
Alejandra Osuna Ramos


Biological pharmaceutical chemistry


Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS)

When I became aware of the BBF scholarship, I knew it was a new opportunity to conclude my higher education and build a future.

There are no words to convey the thrill I felt when I realized I had been chosen. I read that e-mail over and over and once again.

I am infinitely grateful to you for granting us this backing because now, I can meet and get to know these marvelous people and to be part of BBF.  I will be able to achieve all those goals and put into effect all those plans that seemed so removed.   Now we have hope and a reason for striving.

I will wear our T-shirt “The Red" one with pride to honor it as it deserves.

It will be a marvelous experience during which coexistence, trust, mutual respect, and solidarity will become values that will distinguish us.   It will change our mentality and show us that there are still people with good sentiments willing to help others.

Thank you.