
América Yoana Venalonzo Ramírez




Universidad Mundial

In the wake of the inevitable world crisis due to Covid-19, I had contemplated abandoning my studies while the economy resumed stability. I did not want to become a burden for my parents and joining the work force would enable me to be added help for the economic welfare of my family; however, the day the BBF acceptance notification arrived to my inbox, I was not able to restrain my joy. Peace invaded me.

If I had to define BBF with one word that word would be "Impulse". BBF drives youngsters to finish their studies. BBF also motivates, it provides a variety of activities and opportunities within the program. These opportunities do not necessarily have to do with your area of learning but with propelling you to fulfill your little dreams and honing the abilities that each one of us possesses. I am anxious to experience all that BBF has to offer and in turn give the very best of myself.